Weave 0.2.90 (0.3 M1)のリリース


試しにインストールしてみましたが、Weaveの設定・オプション画面が表示できず、brief-log.txtを見るとログインは成功しているもののService.Main ERROR Could not upload keys: Could not PUT resource https://services.mozilla.com/hoge/keys/pubkey (405) (JS frame :: file:///D:/hoge/Firefox/Profiles/extensions/%7B340c2bbc-ce74-4362-90b5-7c26312808ef%7D/modules/resource.js :: Res__request :: line 255)とエラーになり、動いていない気が(汗

Mozilla Labs Forum - Weave 0.2.90 (0.3 M1)

I've made a release of Weave 0.2.90, the first milestone release on the road to 0.3. Please note that:

1) This is the first release after some really major changes, so expect rough edges (even more than usual).
2) Only bookmarks sync is currently implemented.
3) You will need to set up your own instance of the 0.3 server.

We don't yet have out public 0.3 cluster ready, because we are waiting for hardware, and don't want to cannibalize the current 0.2.x servers (as that would mean kicking you all off).

Install link:

Setup instructions after installing the xpi above (preferably on a clean profile):

1) Cancel the Wizard if it comes up (as it does on a clean profile).
2) Open the Weave preferences, go to the last tab, "Advanced". Change the server URL to the one for your server.
3) Select "Sign In..." from the Weave menu. You'll get the login dialog instead of the wizard this time. Fill in your info (using whatever you like for the passphrase), and log in.
4) Restart Firefox. Due to a bug I haven't tracked down, attempting to sync without this restart fails.
5) Select "Sign In..." from the Weave menu (password/passphrase don't get saved the first time, known bug).
6) Select "Sync Now" from the Weave menu.

Repeat steps 1-6 on any other machines/profiles you wish to sync.